SnowCat/SkiCat Camp
PROGRESS SNB proposes and invites you to the next in a series of freeride trip. This time we want to share with you an amazing experience, which is without a doubt the snowcat Camp. So the quality of descents in fresh snow also want to add a little amount. Ratrak bedded takes from 11 to 15 people. We get to play with up to 2500 m asl where only down in fresh, soft snow.
Along with the guide, we assume the track and get to the place where we get back to our “freeride bus” and up. So from 9 am to 16. Five days in the snow. Every day, new attractions, exit at sunrise (early departure Snowcat – SunRise). Photo session and tracks are on another day during sunset. In case of bad weather amazing lines forest. The difficulty level of the selected group. Possibility to rent avalanche equipment (ABC detector, probe, shovel). Hotel 3 stars. Working with a professional crew feeride’ową. Worth adding is that every day during joint feasts when we summarize the quality of the snow and talk about the difficulties of past meetings and plan the next we will be accompanied not overrated local cuisine. One of the best in Europe. Sophisticated and unique combinations of flavors. Macedonia is our next stop. Professionally, exotic, freeridowo.
Specific program snowcat / Cat Ski Camp – MACEDONIA
DAY 1.
Arrival in the early morning hours, accommodation at the hotel. Help Resident matters Properties and organizational.
10 a.m Breakfast.
11 a.m – 12:00 Theoretical classes avalanche in the hotel (depending on the group level: familiarization with the equipment and avalanche specialist training medium advanced and advanced safety and operation in the mountains)
12:00 – 2 p.m. Leisure / possibility of lifting operations
2:15 p.m. Dinner.
3 p.m. – 5 p.m. Practical training avalanche in the mountains / simulated avalanche action / rescue
6 p.m. Supper.
8 p.m. Organizational meeting / action plan the next day
DAY 2.
7:30 a.m Breakfast in the Macedonian style.
9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Backcountry using Snowcat / CatSki
5 p.m. Dinner.
7 p.m. Meeting and analyze.
DAY 3.
5 a.m. Breakfast.
5:30 SnowCat – Sunrise Mission !
4 p.m. Back by SnowCat to the hotel.
5 p.m. Dinner.
7 p.m. Freeride movie.
DAY 4.
7:30 Breakfast.
9 a.m. Going by SnowCat/CatSki (All Day Shreding …. 🙂
5 p.m. Dinner.
7 p.m. The meeting and discussion photo session the next day.
DAY 5.
7:30 Breakfast.
9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Start Backcuntry SnowCat/CatSki (Sunset photo sesion)
6 p.m. Dinner.
8 p.m. The meeting summary, view pictures and GOPRO movies.
Best foto contest :]
DAY 6.
7:30 Breakfast.
8:30 Check out.
9 a.m. Way back home.
This framework plan, subject to change due to weather conditions.
Cena obejmuje:
5 noclegów
6 śniadań,
5 obiadów,
5 kolacji,
1 dzień szkoleń lawinowych (teoria i praktyka) / bezpieczeństwo w górach / działania freeridowe
4 dni SnowCat/CatSki ,
pomoc rezydenta w hotelu,
wykwalifikowana kadra szkoleniowa.
Zalecamy wykupienie ubezpieczenia, które posiada zwyżkę dotyczącą sportów zimowych z uwzględnieniem jazdy poza trasowej oraz OC Sport. Można to zrobić za pośrednictwem PROGRES SNB ( odpowiednio wcześniej ! ) lub u wybranego ubezpieczyciela we własnym zakresie ( ubezpieczenie tego typu jest obowiązkowe i weryfikowanie przez PROGRES SNB przed podjęciem działań w górach, uczestnik SnowCat PROGRES Camp bez ww ubezpieczenia nie będzie dopuszczony do działań w górach )
W przypadku pytań lub braku specjalistycznego sprzętu, prosimy o kontakt z PROGRES SNB.
Możliwość zorganizowania transferu z lotniska (przy wcześniejszym zgłoszeniu). Dodatkowa opłata 20 euro z lotniska w Skopje do hotelu.
Wpłata pełnej kwoty jest równoznaczna ze zgłoszeniem na wyjazd.
Wszelkie pytania prosimy kierować:
tel.: +48 504054043 / +48 501684090
* Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do odwołania wyjazdu.
+48 504 054 043